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Should You Put A Surge Protector On A Refrigerator

Refrigerator Damage Caused by High Voltage Surge When there is an increase in voltage from a power surge, it causes an inrush of electrical current within the refrigerator. This surge generates an excessive amount of heat, which can damage multiple parts of the refrigerator.

What appliances should be on a surge protector?

The devices and appliances you want to make sure you plug in, are the expensive ones with microprocessors into your surge protector. This includes TVs, refrigerators, dishwashers, ranges, AC units, PCs, laptops, game systems, and phones.

Can you plug a refrigerator into a surge protector strip?

Refrigerator and freezer. These appliances pull too much current for a power strip because they are continuously cycling on and off. That will quickly overload a power strip. These items need to be plugged directly into a wall outlet dedicated solely to that appliance.

What is the best surge protector for a fridge?

Best Surge Protector for Refrigerator Reviews

  • Exceline Surge Protector for Refrigerators.
  • Refrigmatic WS-36300 Electronic Surge Protector. ...
  • Nippon Surge Refrigerator. ...
  • Miavolt Refrigerator Surge Protector. ...
  • Exceline Surge Protector. ...
  • Appli Parts Voltage Surge Protector. ...
  • Ortis Refrigerator Surge Protector.

How much surge protection does a refrigerator need?

Ideally, a surge protector which provides a 1000 to 2000 joule rating will provide the required protection. Yet, some high-power surge protectors also provide a joule rating of more than 2000. For example, a home refrigerator has 200 W of average power multiplying it by five, we get 1000W.

How do I protect my fridge from a power surge?

How Do I Prevent Power Surges From Reaching My Appliances?

  1. Plug each appliance's outlet cord into a surge protector outlet plug adapter.
  2. Install a whole-house surge protector. ...
  3. Plug appliances into GFCI outlets when possible. ...
  4. Unplug electronically controlled appliances during severe electrical storms.

What should you never plug into a surge protector?

Power strips/Surge Protectors/RPT's can only be used for low power load equipment such as computers and AV equipment. They are NOT allowed to be used for high-power loads such as microwaves, coffee pots, refrigerators, toasters/toaster ovens, or space heaters. Doing so creates a serious fire hazard.

Are appliance surge protectors worth it?

Surge protectors will not only keep your home electrical system safe, but they may also save you the headache of losing valuable data that you had stored on your computer and other devices after a damaging power surge.

How many joules should a surge protector have for a refrigerator?

Myth #2 - Any Surge Protector Will Do. Small appliances like lamps, radios, digital clocks would need less than 1000 joule rated surge protector. To protect medium appliances and electronics like power tools, home printers, and mini fridges you would need a surge projector between 1000-2000 joules.

Should you plug your refrigerator into a power strip?

Rule two: never plug high power capacity appliances, like space heaters, refrigerators, or microwave and toaster ovens into power strips or extension cords. These appliances have higher power capacity and need to be plugged into a wall outlet directly.

Can kitchen appliances be plugged into a surge protector?

Never plug large appliances into a power strip. Plugging large devices that put out continuous power into a powerstrip leads to overloading. They make it unstable and unable to keep up with the equipment.

Should I use a surge protector for LG refrigerator?

If the surge protector is designed to handle the starting current of the compressor (up to 15 amps,) your refrigerator it would work fine. A surge protector is a good idea for any machine which has a computer in it, as most refrigerators do.

Do LG refrigerators need surge protector?

No, it is not needed.

Do Whirlpool refrigerators need surge protectors?

We have done the research to bring you the answer. More recent Whirlpool refrigerator models have inbuilt stabilizers, so there is no need for an external unit. These inbuilt stabilizers can handle average voltage fluctuations. For models without inbuilt stabilizers, you should purchase an external one for protection.

How do I protect my refrigerator?

How To Maintain A Refrigerator

  1. Don't forget to close the refrigerator door quickly.
  2. Check the refrigerator's door seal.
  3. Always set the correct temperature for efficient cooling.
  4. Arrange and cover items in the refrigerator properly.
  5. Don't block the vents inside the refrigerator.
  6. Empty ice accumulation.

Is a fridge guard important?

Low power (under-voltage) will certainly damage any refrigeration appliance's compressor. The FridgeGuard protects your appliance by disconnecting the power when it goes below unacceptable level. Additionally, there is a delay when power returns to normal.

Are 900 joules good surge protection for a refrigerator?

900 joules protection is adequate for a surge protector. We used this plug on our refrigerator.

Is it safe to use an extension cord with a refrigerator?

You should never plug your fridge into an extension cord as it could cause damage the appliance.

Should everything be plugged into a surge protector?

It's best not to plug devices that naturally draw high amounts of amperage into a surge protector, as they can cause excessive wear on the protector during use. These include devices with heating elements or large electric motors, such as coffee makers, space heaters, fridges or vacuum cleaners.

Should all electronics be plugged into a surge protector?

In short, any expensive electronics will benefit from a surge protector. Without a surge protector, a power surge may shorten the lifespan, wipe out all the data, or destroy the entire system. Think of it this way: which lost devices would cause the most inconvenience? Plug those devices into a surge protector.

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